Custom DIY Inexpensive Kitchen Knife Block

This is a post inspired by the desire to spend as little as possible to make a prettier kitchen. So I present to you the $2 knife block project! I got the actual block from D.I., but I am sure they are all over the place, goodwill, salvation army, etc. It cost just $1! The other supplies you may want are vinyl stickers or a die cut machine ($ store vinyl stickers look awesome! Try a monogram if you want to!), and white paint (I used Gesso).

So get ready to paint! I just did two thin coats of white gesso on the wood block, but you can even spray paint it if you want, or use 55 cent Walmart acrylic paint in any color!IMG_5390 IMG_5391 IMG_5394The first coat looked a bit thin, so I did a second and let it dry all the way.IMG_5395 Then I sanded the edges and all over, giving it the old-but-not shabby chic look that is so popular these days.IMG_5397 IMG_5398 I used birds and flourishes for my vinyl. Who doesn’t love birds? It always works let me tell you. Birds just work.IMG_5399 IMG_5400 IMG_5401 There you have it! A beautiful $2 knife block that looks simply amazing! Try it out yourself! Let me know how you did, and what colors and vinyls you used to do it!IMG_5406

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